April 2019 book wrap-up

Friendly reminder that I keep these mini-reviews here on the blog pretty short, so click on the book title for my full Goodreads review!

I read 7 books in April (28/50 for the year!), mainly due to the fact that I spent a week laying on a beach doing basically nothing but reading and drinking for my honeymoon. I re-read a childhood fav (now an adult fav, too!), and got to a variety of genres!

Disclaimer: I finished The Dreamers on May 1, so it’s technically a May book, but I had to return it to the library so snuck it into April’s bookstack!

April Wrap Up

The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine

I LOVED this book as a kid, it was one of my favorites. I was excited to see it was available from my library, and it quickly became one of my favorites as an adult, too. It’s a quick read, and the fantasy elements and the sister relationship are just… *chef’s kiss* muah.






The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson

I guess I read too many thrillers, because it’s been a while since one truly blew me away… but THIS WAS THE ONE. Unique three-part storytelling structure, and the last line, wtf!! Lily is one messed up protagonist.






img_3990Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling
(on audio)

This might just be my favorite Harry Potter book! The audio was a bit long (21 hours), but I still enjoyed Jim Dale’s narration. I was entertained by all the different plot lines. The Quidditch World Cup, the Triwizard Tournament… so good. This feels like the first Harry Potter book to get serious, and the series completely shifted to some more adult tones after this book.



img_3886One of Us Is Lying by Karen McManus

It’s been a while since I read some easy-breezy young adult novels, and this one flew by. There was a surprising amount of character development, and they were all so relatable. The plot may be a bit predictable, but I still had fun!




Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren

Here’s another one with a worthwhile Goodreads rant for you to read, haha! I’m a romance newbie (although I guess they technically consider this “contemporary fiction” and not “romance”), so I’m still learning my likes/dislikes within the genre. But one thing is for sure, I don’t like “second-chance” romances.





img_0590The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting

Perfect honeymoon book. Helena Hunting brings the steam FOR SURE, but the characters left some to be desired. Another second chance romance, and another long rant on my Goodreads.




The Ex by Alafair Burke

This is my first “legal thriller” read, and I’m definitely intrigued enough to read more of those, but I wasn’t overly impressed with this. It felt somewhat predictable, but was certainly a page-turner.

2 thoughts on “April 2019 book wrap-up

  1. You should do a series of re-reads or other childhood faves or classics. Think Frindle, BFG, Outsiders. Maybe even some Meg Cabot?


    • Someone on bookstagram posted about Frindle and it made me want to re-read it! And Meg Cabot is actually coming out with a new book this year!!

      PS I never read the Outsiders…


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